
Instructor led
Instructor led

September 19, 2023
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Successful employers understand that attracting the best talent is only half the challenge. The other half is keeping them. One proven way to create incentive and loyalty is a well-designed student loan assistance program.
For employees, the challenges generated by student loan debt extend beyond just the money owed. As these statistics show, their lives are often put on hold until the loan is paid off:
$1.78 trillion total U.S. student loan debt averaging $35,000
$106.5 billion borrowed each year
3 million Americans with student loan debt
Attracting and keeping the most promising talent often comes down to making it easier for students to pay off their student loan debt.
In this webinar, Sara VanWagoner, VP of Corporate Growth at Edcor – one of the nation’s most trusted Education Benefit providers – will talk about data-led insights on why student loan repayment assistance is a critical benefit to have, the advantages it has for employers, and how it can be implemented for your industry.
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September 19, 2023
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 

Successful employers understand that attracting the best talent is only half the challenge. The other half is keeping them. One proven way to create incentive and loyalty is a well-designed student loan assistance program. 

For employees, the challenges generated by student loan debt extend beyond just the money owed. As these statistics show, their lives are often put on hold until the loan is paid off:

  • $1.78 trillion total U.S. student loan debt averaging $35,000
  • $106.5 billion borrowed each year
  • 3 million Americans with student loan debt

Attracting and keeping the most promising talent often comes down to making it easier for students to pay off their student loan debt.

In this webinar, Sara VanWagoner, VP of Corporate Growth at Edcor – one of the nation’s most trusted Education Benefit providers – will talk about data-led insights on why student loan repayment assistance is a critical benefit to have, the advantages it has for employers, and how it can be implemented for your industry.  

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